What is Hypnobirthing?


Don’t let the name put you off! Hypnobirthing is a well-known, logical and effective form of antenatal preparation recognized by the Royal College of Midwives.

It’s a complete birth education that gives mums the confidence to work with their bodies so they can do what they’re naturally designed to do using relaxation tools, breathing techniques and visualisation practices to reframe the way women feel about birth so that their body can give birth efficiently and comfortably.

We provide evidence based birth information to equip parents with the tools and confidence to make informed decisions about every aspect of their antenatal care and the birth of their babies so they are able to communicate confidently, feel listened to, respected and valued.

We also highly value the role of the birth partner and it is really important that they also feel knowledgeable and are a nurturing and supportive asset throughout pregnancy and birth.


 Most importantly, we want mums and their birth partners to be equipped to navigate the turns of labour and birth in a way that means they feel confident, calm and empowered


Our Course



We work with companies to create bespoke packages that support and nurture employees on their transformative journey into parenthood.



We support women and their birth partners from pregnancy to parenthood.


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Workshops & Refreshers

Birth Essentials

For 36+ weeks

Birth Refresher

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