Legal Information

Using Hypnobirthing techniques is not a substitute for the advice of or the presence during birth or any part of pregnancy or labour of a qualified medical practitioner, midwife or obstetrician.It does not represent in fact or otherwise an alternative to appropriate medical care or for professional medical advice in any way shape or form.

Any questions or doubts that you have about the use of Hypnobirthing by you or any third party in any part should be discussed by you with your medical caregiver and the safety of or the appropriateness of this programme to you or any third party whom you represent be confirmed with your medical care giver prior to undertaking the programme.

SoCalm Birth Co. Ltd, its instructors or its representatives accept no responsibility for the inappropriate use of Hypnobirthing techniques or complications or harm to any third party resulting from the use of Hypnobirthing techniques as a substitute for medical advice.

Hypnobirthing is intended solely as an 'aid' to 'help' increase the comfort of labour and birth and is not in any way a guarantee or promise of expected, imagined or actual outcome of the labour or birth in any way shape or form.

Participation in Hypnobirthing classes in any part or in total by any person or third party is undertaken with the understanding by any persons or third party that no litigation or legal action whatsoever will be initiated or that no form of compensation or reimbursement or refund will be claimed or applied for at any time now or in the future against SoCalm Birth Co. Ltd, its instructors, or its representatives under any circumstances whatsoever.